Thursday, January 03, 2008

Some Christmas Pictures


Anonymous said...

Hey! Looks like we had fun, slept, ate a lot, and hurt each other....perfect! No wonder Lego man is running away:)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do like sandwiches.

Marc Andre said...

What would the world be without sandwiches? Where would the ham go? What would become of the cheese? Think of the poor turkey? The pickles would sit alone in a corner. The tomatoes would have no where to settle down. Oh, and pity the mustard and mayonnaise... destined to live a life of solitude in plastic bottles carelessly left on a refrigerator door shelf. Ah, but thank goodness for the bread which brings all these wanderers together just like a warm home on a snowy Christmas morning unites an otherwise mile separated family. Yes, the sandwich. A blessing from above. A comfort to the mouth. A warmth to the belly. Come to think of, I may go eat a sandwich right now.

By the way, I'm working on adding some more Christmas photos... keep checking back.