Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Savoring the Journey

We can spend our entire lives wondering what tomorrow holds, in the meantime, missing out on all the joyous nuances of today. I think I've had the wrong attitude recently. I've really been buying into this idea that contentment will find me when I reach a certain "settled" place in life. Personally, I'd love to be married someday and I'd also really like to be doing music fulltime, in one form or another. For so long, I've lived with this belief that I would discover peace when I found the right woman, or maybe when I finally landed the "perfect" job. These are all great blessings that we can enjoy, but nothing on this earth will really fulfill us in the deepest sense. Only a relationship with Christ can give us "stability." I'm reminded of a particular illustration. Have you ever riden down a highway while starred at the "green flags" on top of the cement medium? (Hopefully, you aren't doing this while driving) If you look directly out your side window, you will simply see a green blur, but if you gaze through the flags at a slight angle, you will see trees, houses, and other sites along the road. Sometimes, we live life "starring directly at the green flags" the other words, the "markers" in our lives. Markers are simply times of transition...what we often interpret as "arrival." Graduating from a college or getting engaged could be markers. Often, all we focus on are the markers, and we may very well be missing all the lessons, and even blessings God is trying to show us along the way.

I personally am pursuing music as a fulltime career/ministry, but I think this illustration goes for anybody. I may or may not end up in music fulltime. Regardless, God is more concerned about my heart and how I respond to His voice along this highway of life. Have you been starring at the green flags?

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